Connect with us: Please note that the preferred way of contacting IT Services is via LiveHelp Chat and Remote Support.

Windows 11 / New MacBook Models / Chromebooks

Please note that certain Fanshawe College Programs use software that does not support Windows 11, newer MacBook Models, Google Chromebooks, or computers with non-Intel or non-AMD CPUs.
Please check the CONNECT Program Resources page for further details

Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

Need help with this process?

Microsoft support is available!

All Imagine Software is now distributed directly by Microsoft through Azure Dev Tools for Teaching.

If you have any issues with errors after login or missing software on the site, please contact the support team at Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching here:

Accessing Azure Dev Tools

Follow the steps provided below in accessing the Microsoft Education Hub.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the blue “Sign in” button.
  3. Enter your Fanshawe College provided e-mail address. This would be for students and for staff.
  4. Use your standard Fanshawe College password (same password used to login to FanshaweOnline or WebAdvisor).
  5. Upon signing in, you may be asked to agree to the terms and conditions (for first time users). If not, you should see the software catalogue with over 80 software titles available for download.
  6. The first time you sign in, you should see the following page:
  7. You may wish to start the tour, or select “Maybe Later”.
  8. Software is located under the “Software” category on the left pane.
  9. If after registering, verifying and logging in you have issues seeing the software page, click here.


Disclaimer: Software listed on this site is available free of charge to active students.

* Microsoft classifies “Active Students” as students that are actively attending classes. Once you graduate, un-enroll, or have a gap (Summer holidays) in your education, you are not considered active. (please note this definition can change at any time, and follows each vendor’s license agreement).
Contact the IT Service Desk if you have any questions or need clarification.