Connect with us: Please note that the preferred way of contacting IT Services is via LiveHelp Chat and Remote Support.

New MacBook Models / Chromebooks

Please note that certain Fanshawe College Programs use software that does not support newer MacBook Models, Google Chromebooks, or computers with non-Intel or non-AMD CPUs.
Please check the CONNECT Program Resources page for further details

Looking to install Microsoft Windows 10 on a Mac?

You can install Office 365 Education on any device, but if you are looking to install Microsoft Windows 10 on a Mac, you've come to the right place.

Microsoft 365 Education

Get Microsoft 365 for free

Included Applications

Do more with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 includes the most common tools required for all your school assignments, presentations, calculations and notes. With cloud-connected anywhere-accessible files through OneDrive, your dog will never eat your homework again!

Click on each product to learn more

Visio (web-based)

Other Microsoft Products

Project? Visio? Visual Studio? Windows 10/11? Windows Server?
We got you covered!

Fanshawe College has partnered with Microsoft to provide students with access to Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. Azure Dev Tools for Teaching has access to dozens of applications including Project (full install), Visio (full install), Windows 10 & 11, Windows Server, Visual Studio, and More!

Click on each product to learn more

Visio (full install)
Project (full install)
Visual Studio

Installation and Registration

Microsoft 365 is available to all students and staff with an active FanshaweOnline account in good standing. The software is to be used on personal devices. Microsoft 365 apps are available for Windows, Mac, iPhones, iPads and Android devices. The below guide walks you through the registration and installation process for Windows and Apple devices. For mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, please visit the corresponding app store.

Step 1 - Visit Microsoft

Microsoft 365 apps can only be downloaded from the Microsoft 365 portal. Please visit the portal at the link below. Once there, you will proceed to sign in with your account.

Step 2 - Sign in using your Fanshawe College provided email

Enter your Fanshawe College provided e-mail address as the username to login and your regular Fanshawe College account password.

For students this would be
Employees would be

Step 3 - Install Office Applications

After you have signed in through Microsoft you can use the web-based applications, but we recommend that you install the desktop clients. In order to install the applications, click “Install Office Apps” in the top, and follow the instructions on the page.

Microsoft Support and Troubleshooting

Forgot password

Please use our Fanshawe Password Reset Portal first to reset your account password.

Installation Support

Please visit the Microsoft official support page for detailed and up-to-date installation support.

Trouble Activating on Mac?

If you have downloaded and installed Office 365 on a Mac, you may have issues activating/using the software. Common symptoms include a message stating that you cannot edit the document.

Please follow the instructions in the support article below, and reinstall the software.

AutoCad for Education

Unlock educational access to Autodesk products

Students and educators can get free one-year educational access to Autodesk products and services, renewable as long as you remain eligible. Confirm your eligibility now.

Students can get access to Autocad, Revit, Fusion360, Maya, 3DS Max, and more!

How to Install AutoCad For Education

AutoCad for Education is offered through the AutoCad Website.
You may visit them for further information and how to register by clicking
the button below:

Disclaimer: Software listed on this site is available free of charge to active students.

* Most software vendors classify “Active Students” as students that are actively attending classes. Once you graduate, un-enroll, or have a gap (Summer holidays) in your education, you are not considered active. (please note this definition can change at any time, and follows each vendor’s license agreement).
Contact the IT Service Desk if you have any questions or need clarification.